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Nuget project.json vs packages.config

Here is an error that I receive in a W10 Universal app.

Warning Could not locate C:\\Users...\\Examplinvi.UniversalApp\\packages.config.
Ensure that this project has Microsoft.Bcl.Build installed and packages.config is located next to the project file. Examplinvi.UniversalApp

My app has a project.json (which is kind of the new packages.config). But I do not understand what this warning is trying to warn me for. I have also Microsoft.Bcl.Build installed and referenced by the project and the project.json.

Also, if I create a packages.config, I have new warnings coming in like :

Warning Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. Please set the "AutoGenerateBindingRedirects" property to true in the project file. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=294190 . Examplinvi

Any idea to fix this warning?

add this :


at the top of your csproj/vbproj. It should work. Worked for me.

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