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Laravel Eloquent retrieve row with JSON column

I have following data in my table


id    |name   | option_data

1     |Joe    |{"gender":"Male","cnic":"1234567","dob":"2016-03-14"}     
2     |Doe    |{"gender":"Male","cnic":"9999","dob":"2016-03-14"}     

How can I get data in proper json_encode format.

For example if I write

echo json_encode($app->auth->users);

My Output for option_data


My database column type is Text . If I remove all \\ using stripslashes still data is not a valid JSON because its wrapped in " double qoutes.


How can I get data in proper json_encode format with all other coulmns.

You can just use $casts variable in your model and it will automatically convert to json and reverse to array.

protected $casts = [
     "option_data" => "array"

Try with accesor in your model, to your data model

public function getOptionDataAttribute($value)
    return json_decode($value);

and return in your controller:

return Model::all(); //What you need to retrieve 

the output must be:

    id: 1
    name: name,
    option_data: {"gender":"Male","cnic":"1234567","dob":"2016-03-14"}

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