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react-laravel Unexpected token

I am trying to get react-laravel working. I have installed everything correctly (v8js etc) but I keep getting:

V8Js::executeString():18903: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

The problem seems to be with my component.js file:

var Application = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div className="Networks">

How can I fix this?

Also, is it possible to use ES6?

My view:


    <title>JSPM Experiment</title>
    <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ asset('js/components.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ asset('vendor/react-laravel/react_ujs.js') }}"></script>


<div id='react-root'>
@react_component('Application',[ 'title' => 'Hello, World' ], [ 'prerender' => true ])


Is it "component.js" or "components.js"? You likely have a typo.

Usually you get SyntaxError: Unexpected token < when trying to load a javascript file that doesn't exist. Laravel renders a 404 HTML page and the first < trips up your script tag.

In case someone has still this error, I installed Laravel 6 and set up React:

php artisan preset react
npm install

And then I got a similar error "Syntax Error: Unexpected token" as the React JSX syntax didn't seem to be understood. It got fixed by altering babel config in webpack.mix.js :

  "presets": [

If you have problem with Laravel 6. Please check your webpack.mix.js file, it should be mix.react() instead of mix.js()


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