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Traversing XML document using LINQ

I'm trying to read in the address position values of a specific product (eg Payslips) in the below XML

              <!--Table for sending the documents to different channels-->

I had couple of attempts which all failed. The below code shows my last attempt. Could you please help. Thanks in advance.

            float distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr;
            float distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr;
            float widthAddr;
            float heightAddr;
                //var addrPos = from xml in XmlDoc.Elements("Payslip").Descendants("Address")
                var addrPos = from xml in XmlDoc.Descendants("Payslip").Descendants("Address")
                              select new


                                  distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr = xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromLeft").Value,
                                  distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr = xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromBottom").Value,
                                  widthAddr = xml.Element("width").Value,
                                  heightAddr = xml.Element("height").Value


                foreach (var node in addrPos)

                    distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr = float.Parse(node.distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr);
                        distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr = float.Parse(node.distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr);
                        widthAddr = float.Parse(node.widthAddr);
                        heightAddr = float.Parse(node.heightAddr);


Given no default namespace is involved, the following query works just fine against the XML posted in question :

var addrPos = from xml in XmlDoc.Descendants("Payslip").Elements("Address")
            select new

                distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr = (string)xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromLeft"),
                distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr = (string)xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromBottom"),
                widthAddr = (float)xml.Element("width"),
                heightAddr = (float)xml.Element("height")


Notice how you can cast XElement directly to the appropriate type such as string or float .

See the demo below or see it live in dotnetfiddle :

var raw = @"<INI> 
  <!--Table for sending the documents to different channels-->  
var XmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(raw);

var addrPos = from xml in XmlDoc.Descendants("Payslip").Elements("Address")
    select new
    distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr = (string)xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromLeft"),
    distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr = (string)xml.Element("distanceInPixelsFromBottom"),
    widthAddr = (float)xml.Element("width"),
    heightAddr = (float)xml.Element("height")


foreach (var node in addrPos)


Output :

{ distanceInPixelsFromLeftAddr = 76, distanceInPixelsFromBottomAddr = 580, widthAddr = 255, heightAddr = 125 }

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