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Does django already come with a wsgi application file, or do I need to create one? How to setup apache and mod_wsgi with django?

I am trying to deploy a web app with django, however I am having trouble with Apache and mod_wsgi. I have scoured the tutorials online, and none of them have provided me with accurate/sufficient information on how to set this up. I understand that I need an application.wsgi file/ a wsgi application file, however I am not sure as to whether I have to create on, or if django is pre-built with one. If django does come with one, how do I tell apache to display my django app?

I am currently using Ubuntu Server 14.04 and I can do a runserver and see the application from localhost, however I want to fully deploy the website. In other words, when I type in the IP of the server I want to see the home page that I made with django.

The Django documentation has a guide that explains this.


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