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Using wp-cli through PHP

我可以通过PHP脚本运行WP-CLI https://wp-cli.org/命令吗,所以我可以使用PHP脚本自动安装用户选择的WordPress主题

As long as you can use the exec() or similar command. I use something like this to output the result of a wp-cli command:

  exec("wp --info", $result);
  echo implode(PHP_EOL, $result); // join multi-line return result

Or simply:

<?php exec("wp --info");

See this answer: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/219230/utilize-wp-cli-from-inside-wordpress-not-ssh for further discussion.

You can do something like this:

exec('wp site list --field=url --archived=0', $output);

foreach($output as $url) {
    echo $url . "\n";
    echo exec("wp --url=$url plugin activate this-plugin");

Run it in a PHP script in your home directory.

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