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update to php7.2 in docker wp-cli container

I'm new to docker. I have a WordPress stack for local dev that implements wp-cli via a different container. The WP container has PHP 7.2.4, but the wp-cli container appears to have php 5.6.27.

What's the best approach to updating php for wp-cli?

  • remove wp-cli container, install wp-cli, save as a new container
  • use a different container for wp-cli
  • update php inside the existing container
  • ?

snippets from my docker-compose file:

    container_name: wordpress
      - db
    image: jburger/wordpress-xdebug
      - "./public:/var/www/html"

    command: "--info"
    container_name: wpcli
    entrypoint: wp
    image: tatemz/wp-cli
      - db:mysql

You're pulling in an image which hasn't been freshly built/pushed in a year.

The DockerFile itself of these images is exactly what you need. If you clone the original repo into a folder, set the build param in your docker-compose file to that folder, and then run docker-compose build , you'll have a fresh image.

The ideal setup is to actually have a 'workspace' container, which contains all of the tools needed to interact with your project, for a reference of what that looks like, see laradock (it can be a bit overwhelming).

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