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Docker IPv6: Disable IPv4 in bridge docker0 and docker network

I want to be sure that I'm no using a private network in docker bridge docker0 or the docker private networks. So for these interfaces I'm trying to use IPv6 only, but without disabling IPv4 on the host itself. (Which does not seam to help)

Is there a docker way to use IPv6 only in the docker networks?

I'm using docker 1.11.0

On Linux hosts, enable IPv6 support by adding :

  "ipv6": true

to the Docker daemon configuration ( /etc/docker/daemon.json ). After restarting Docker daemon ( systemctl reload docker ), you might now be able to create Docker networks with :

docker network create --ipv6 my-ipv6-network

I've also found this documentation for Docker 1.11 version : IPv6 with Docker . This seems to be available since Docker 1.8 .

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