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Hash not returning values from gets.chomp

For some reason the hash I created doesn't return the value when I try to get argument from the command line.

Here's the code

    "East Bay": 510,
    "San Francisco": 415,
    "San Jose": 650,

city = gets.chomp

if city == "East Bay"
   puts "Area Code: #{DIAL_BOOK[city]}       

Output Results

Which area code would you like to find out 
East Bay
Area Code:

I'm completely confused on what's going on here. When I hard code "East Bay" to the hash it returns me 510 just fine. Anybody have an suggestion on what's going on?

  1. You're passing in a symbol, :city , instead of the actual variable city .
  2. String interpolation is done with a # and not a $ (eg #{DIAL_BOOK[city]} ).
  3. Your hash's keys are symbols but city contains a string. Either change your hash to use strings as keys ( DIAL_BOOK = { 'Easy Bay' => 510 } ) or convert the city to a symbol before lookup ( #{DIAL_BOOK[city.to_sym] ).

Additionally, you may want to simplify and remove your if condition unless you specifically only want to print the value for "East Bay".

The variable city is different from symbol :city . To interpolate string in ruby use
#{expression} inside a double quotes because double quotes allow for escape sequences while single quotes do not.

city = gets.chomp
puts "Area Code: #{DIAL_BOOK[city]}" if city == "East Bay"

For strings as keys in hash, use rocket => instead of : . Otherwise you will have to use city.to_sym instead of city .

    "East Bay" => 510,
    "San Francisco" => 415,
    "San Jose" => 650,

The rocket operator can take in any literal that aren't valid labels. A : assumes a valid label on its left. DIAL_BOOK[:'East Bay'] #=> 510

{ :$set => 11 }                       # Valid
{ $set: 11 }                          # Invalid
{ :'where.is.pancakes.house?' => 23 } # Valid
{ 'where.is.pancakes.house?': 23 }    # Invalid

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