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Importing Telegram API from GitHub repository to Android Studio

As you know Telegram API is open on GitHub. I tried to import it on my Android Studio. My android studio is up to date and also SDK is updated till the date. I have generated signed APK and tried to run project and got following errors. I have chosen x86 based to compile and tried to run it. Screenshot. http://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/b0HqgmO.png

05/23 21:39:23: Launching TMessagesProj
The currently selected variant "arm-debug" uses split APKs, but none of the 1 split apks are compatible with the current device with density "560" and ABIs "x86".
Error while Installing APK

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You!


in the defaultConfig (gradle Build file) add this at the end of android {} check for your architectures

android {
  splits {
    abi {
      enable true
      include 'x86', 'armeabi-v7a', 'mips'
      universalApk true

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