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How to convert String time to date time in angularjs

I am trying to match with current time with predefined time but i got stuck in matching because those are in string . This is my Code

$scope.TimeString = "17:00-21:00,7:00-10:00,9:45-12:00";
 $scope.currentTime = $filter('date')(new Date(), 'HH:mm');
$scope.IsItemAvailable = function (timeString) {

                var tempTimeArray = "";
                tempTimeArray = timeString.split(",");
                for (var i = 0; i < tempTimeArray.length; i++) {
                    var tempTime = tempTimeArray[i];
                    var itemTime = tempTime.split("-")
                    var fromTime = $filter('date')(itemTime[0], 'HH:mm');
                    var toTime = $filter('date')(itemTime[1], 'HH:mm');
                if ($scope.currentTime >= fromTime && $scope.currentTime <= toTime) {
                        $scope.isAvailable = true;

                    else {

                        $scope.isAvailable = false;
it's returning false always.Any please help me to acheive it.

If you can convert your times to zero-padded: 09:55 then you can compare it as strings(if you have not midnight included intervals).

Else you can convert hh:mm to minutes number and then compare:

var cur = $scope.currentTime.split(':');
var from = itemTime[0].split(':');
var to   = itemTime[1].split(':');
cur  =  cur[0]*60+ cur[1];
from = from[0]*60+from[1];
to   =   to[0]*60+  to[1];
if (cur >= from && cur <= to) {
  // available

Some DRY resolved:

var times = [$scope.currentTime, itemTime[0], itemTime[1]];
  times.map(interval => interval.split(':'))
       .map(interval => interval[0]*60 + interval[1]);
if (times[0] >= times[1] && times[0] <= times[2]) {
   // available

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