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Eloquent: Query the length of field in Laravel

I want to do something like that in Laravel (valid sqlite query):

select * from 'tbUsers' where  length(name)>50;

I tried


But it seems not to work........

note : other queries works without problem:


试试这个whereRaw( string $sql, array $bindings = array(), string $boolean = 'and')

User::with('Permissons')->whereRaw('LENGTH(name) > 50')->get();


User::with('Permissons')->whereRaw('LENGTH(name) > ?', [50])->get();

In your test you tried 'LENGTH(name)' , but this converts to a string which means the select statement becomes more like:

select * from 'tbUsers' where 'LENGTH(name)' > 50;

Which is bad. In order to stop treating it as a string you need to let where() know what you're entering is raw-sql, to do that you can use DB::raw :


Instead of using simple LENGTH(name) use char_length(name) to get length of characters in string. LENGTH() returns the length of the string measured in bytes. CHAR_LENGTH() returns the length of the string measured in characters.

For Example:

LENGTH('déjà vu')  => 9
CHAR_LENGTH('déjà vu') => 7

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