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remove href from link using JavaScript

I am using this code to remove the href links from my page. It works great except I do not want to target all the links. Instead, I want to target all of the links within a div, like disable all the links of a particular div with an id "test2".

var all_links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

for(var i=0; i<all_links.length; i++){

You can use querySelectorAll() for that. Pass a CSS selector that matches the elements you need to target. From what you have described, div#test2 a will do:

var all_links = document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a");

for(var i=0; i<all_links.length; i++){


Or, for maximum compatibility (IE <9):

var all_links = document.getElementById('test2').getElementsByTagName("a");

As the jQuery tag is included:-

 $('#test2 a').removeAttr('href'); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <a href="test">test</a> <div id="test2"> <a href="test1">test</a> <a href="test2">test</a> </div> 

There are a few options for this, here using ES6:

// retrieving all <a> elements within <div id="test2">, using
// document.querySelectorAll() and converting that collection
// into an Array, using Array.from():
var all_links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a"))

    // iterating over that Array using Array.prototype.forEach(),
    // along with an Arrow function to remove the 'href' attribute
    // from each of the <a> elements in the Array:
    .forEach(link => link.removeAttribute('href'));

 var all_links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a")).forEach(link => link.removeAttribute('href')); 
 <a href="#href1">Link 1</a> <div id="test2"> <a href="#href2">Link 2</a> <a href="#href3">Link 3</a> </div> <a href="#href4">Link 4</a> <div id="test3"> <a href="#href5">Link 5</a> <a href="#href6">Link 6</a> </div> 

Or, rather than removing the href attribute setting it instead to the value of '#' :

var all_links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a"))

    // here we use setAttribute() to set the value of the href
    // attribute to the '#' value:
    .forEach(link => link.setAttribute('href', '#'));

 var all_links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a")).forEach(link => link.setAttribute('href', '#')); 
 <a href="#href1">Link 1</a> <div id="test2"> <a href="#href2">Link 2</a> <a href="#href3">Link 3</a> </div> <a href="#href4">Link 4</a> <div id="test3"> <a href="#href5">Link 5</a> <a href="#href6">Link 6</a> </div> 

Or, given that an <a> element without an href attribute arguably serves no particular 'purpose' we could instead unwrap the text, or other contents, and remove the no-longer-useful <a> element:

var all_links = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a") )

  // using the anonymous function of Array.prototype.forEach() rather
  // than Arrow functions, given the work being done here:

    // while the <a> element has a firstChild:
    while(link.firstChild) {

      // we access the parentNode of the <a> and
      // use the insertBefore() method to insert
      // the firstChild of the <a> before the <a>:
      link.parentNode.insertBefore(link.firstChild, link);

    // once the <a> is emptied of its content,
    // we again access the parentNode and remove
    // the <a> element itself:

 var all_links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div#test2 a")).forEach(function(link) { while (link.firstChild) { link.parentNode.insertBefore(link.firstChild, link); } link.parentNode.removeChild(link); }); 
 <a href="#href1">Link 1</a> <div id="test2"> <a href="#href2">Link 2</a> <a href="#href3">Link 3</a> </div> <a href="#href4">Link 4</a> <div id="test3"> <a href="#href5">Link 5</a> <a href="#href6">Link 6</a> </div> 



$("div#test2 a").removeAttr("href");

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