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JUnit Contract Testing with Suites

I have an interface that defines a contract (ie a Repository ), with few implementations. Each method in the interface represents a feature, and I would like to test each feature in its suite test class.

Let's assume a UserRepository interface as follows:

public interface UserRepository {

    Set<User> search(String query);

    Set<User> findBySomethingSpecific(String criteria1, Integer criteria2);

At the moment, to ensure I run the same test cases, I create an abstract test class, and each of my implementations have a test class that extends the abstract test class.

public abstract UserRepositoryTest {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public void setUp() {
        userRepository = createUserRepository();

    @Test public void aTestForSearch() { ... }
    @Test public void anotherTestForSearch() { ... }

    @Test public void aTestForSomethingSpecific() { ... }
    @Test public void anotherTestForSomethingSpecific() { ... }

    protected abstract UserRepository createUserRepository();


public class UserRepositoryImplementationTest extends UserRepositoryTest {

    protected UserRepository createUserRepository() {
         return new UserRepositoryImplementation();

I would like to find a way to divide this abstract test class into a set of small tests, because the test class becomes rapidly overwhelmed. I've looked at test suites, but I don't understand how can I create a Suite test class by injecting my different implementations.

As a side not, I've found this question , but some of my repositories require some logic at its creation (for instance, ConnectionPool for a SQL implementation). I currently use the anti-pattern ServiceLocator with different Context classes to handle the creation, but this is static . That's why I had an approach of a test class by implementation, so I can create the context and inject it afterward.

Whit Junit 4 you can create a suite like this:

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;


 * This suite will execute TestFeatureLogin,TestFeatureLogout,TestFeatureNavigate and TestFeatureUpdate one after the over.
 * @Before, @After and @Test are no possible of executing in this class.
 * @BeforeClas and @AfterClass are allowed only.  
 * */
public class FeatureTestSuite {
    // the class remains empty of test,although it is possible set up a before class and after class annotations.
    // used only as a holder for the above annotations

    static public void beforeClass(){
        System.out.println(FeatureTestSuite.class.toString() + " BeforeClass Method");

    static public void AfterClass(){
        System.out.println(FeatureTestSuite.class.toString() + " AfterClass Method");

The complete example could be found here

Another thing you have to have into account is that @Test is no a good practice of unit testing inside Abstract class. If you want to test your implementations create test classes that extend of Abstract class.

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