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Hyperledger fabric behave tests failing “cannot connect to Docker endpoint”

使用Hyperledger面料,我运行make behave-deps然后make behave ,但几个循规蹈矩测试场景失败(“错误启动容器:无法连接到多克终点”) -我将如何去解决这个?

If running the vagrant-based development environment described here , a change was recently made to the Docker port mapping that would manifest itself with these failed tests. Reconstruct your development environment with vagrant destroy and vagrant up from the $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/devenv directory.

Typically this problem is encountered when running outside of Vagrant.

Ensure you can run

docker run hello-world

Without sudo

If this fails, this can be resolved by adding he user to the group as in the installation docs

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