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cannot install chaincode using hurley hyperledger fabric

当我运行 hurl install "name-of-the-chain" 节点时,我收到一条错误消息:“无法生成特定于平台的 docker build:无法拉超级账本/fabric-ccenv:最新:API 错误 (404)”,我我试图在 core.yaml 文件中更改它,但仍然是同样的问题

latest tag has been deprecated since there are two hyperledger fabric versions and hence latest tag is misleading. You can set CORE_CHAINCODE_BUILDER=hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:Version_Info in peer environment variables and set version_info to your specific version

fabric team fixed this issue in v1.4.8 and belowis the snippet from github change logs

This change ensures that v1.4.x peers using the default
configuration will pull the latest v1.4 fabric-ccenv image from dockerhub to build chaincode,
if the local fabric-ccenv image is not found

link: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/releases/tag/v1.4.8

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