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Puppet Code coverage testing using rspec

My Module structure is this.

├── files
│   └── install_logging.sh
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── manifests
│   ├── \
│   ├── empty.rb
│   └── init.pp
├── Modulefile
├── Rakefile
├── spec
│   ├── chkcls_sec.rb
│   ├── classes
│   │   ├── init1_spec.rb
│   │   ├── init_spec.rb
│   │   └── spec_helper.rb
│   ├── coverage_spec.rb
│   ├── defines
│   ├── fixtures
│   │   ├── manifests
│   │   │   └── site.pp
│   │   └── modules
│   │       └── install_logging
│   │           ├── files -> ../../../../files
│   │           ├── manifests -> ../../../../manifests
│   │           └── templates -> ../../../../templates
│   ├── functions
│   ├── hosts
│   └── spec_helper.rb
├── templates
│   └── agent.sh.erb
└── tests
    └── init.pp

manifests/init.pp file code.

class install_logging {
  file { '/tmp/install_logging.sh':
    ensure => 'present',
    mode   => '0644',
    source => 'puppet:///modules/install_logging/install_logging.sh'
  }-> exec { 'Install Logging Agent':
    provider  => shell,
    command   => 'bash /tmp/install_logging.sh',
    logoutput => on_failure,

$ua_module_name = 'VivekMishra01/Google_Cloud_Logging1'  
$ua_module_version = "${ua_module_name}/1.1.0" 

file { '/tmp/agent.sh':
  ensure  => file,
  mode    => '0755',
  content => template('gcloudsdk/agent.sh.erb'),
  require => Exec['Remove Components'],
}-> exec { 'Agent':
  provider  => shell,
  command   => 'sh /tmp/agent.sh',
  logoutput => on_failure,

spec/classes/init_spec.rb file code

require 'spec_helper'
describe 'contains install_logging' do
  it { File.exist?('File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),init.pp)') }
at_exit { RSpec::Puppet::Coverage.report! }

This is what I am trying to do.

root@ubuntu-14-04:/home/vivekkumarmishra17/Mymodule/install_logging# rspec spec/classes/init_spec.rb 
Finished in 0.00164 seconds (files took 0.59198 seconds to load)

    1 example, 0 failures
    Total resources:   0
    Touched resources: 0
    Resource coverage:   NaN%
    Untouched resources:

Problem is that why it's not able to find any resource although 1 example is tested successfully.

    Total resources:   0
    Touched resources: 0
    Resource coverage:   NaN%
    Untouched resources:

Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Please use the Puppet Development Kit to generate your modules and classes. The PDK will generate working unit tests for those.

For writing unit tests using rspec-puppet, please refer to the docsite , in this case, specifically to testing classes , and resources .

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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