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Slope and Length of a line between 2 points in OpenCV

I need to compare 2 pictures to find similar lines among them. In both pictures I use LSD ( Line Segments Detector ) method, then I find lines and I know coordinates of start and end points of each line.

My question is: is there any function in OpenCV to find the slope and length of each line, so that I can compare them easily?

My environment is: OpenCV 3.1, C++ and Visual Studio 2015

Well, this is a math question.

Assume you have two points: p 1 (x 1 ,y 1 ) and p 2 (x 2 ,y 2 ) . Let's call p 1 the "start" and p 2 the "end" of the line segment, as you have called the points you have.

slope  = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
length = norm(p2 - p1)

Sample code:

cv::Point p1 = cv::Point(5,0); // "start"
cv::Point p2 = cv::Point(10,0); // "end"

// we know this is a horizontal line, then it should have
// slope = 0 and length = 5. Let's see...

// take care with division by zero caused by vertical lines
double slope = (p2.y - p1.y) / (double)(p2.x - p1.x);
// (0 - 0) / (10 - 5) -> 0/5 -> slope = 0 (that's correct, right?)

double length = cv::norm(p2 - p1);
// p_2 - p_1 = (5, 0)
// norm((0,5)) = sqrt(5^2 + 0^2) = sqrt(25) -> length = 5 (that's correct, right?)

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