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How to use keyword spotting feature for IBM Waston Speech to text API?

I am using IBM Watson Speech to text API to convert audio files into text. Every feature is working fine for me. But I am unable to use the Keyword Spotting feature. The output is not giving any info regarding spotted keywords.

Here is my code:

SpeechToText service = new SpeechToText();
    service.setUsernameAndPassword("*********", "********");
    //SpeechModel model =service.getModel("en-US_NarrowbandModel");


    String[] keys= {"abuse","bullying","parents","physical","assaulting"};
    RecognizeOptions options = new RecognizeOptions().contentType("audio/wav").model("en-US_NarrowbandModel").continuous(true).inactivityTimeout(500).keywords(keys).keywordsThreshold(0.7);

    File audio = new File("C:\\Users\\AudioFiles\\me.wav");

    SpeechResults transcript = service.recognize(audio, options);
    //Speech t1 = service.recognize(audio, options);

Is there any special function to get the spotted keywords as output as well with the transcript?

This was fixed in the Java SDK v3.2.0 . Make sure you download the latest version ( 4.2.1 ) jar: java-sdk-4.2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar or update your Gradle/Maven to pull the latest version.

The code below is based on the code in your question.

SpeechToText service = new SpeechToText();
service.setUsernameAndPassword("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");

File audio = new File("C:\\Users\\AudioFiles\\me.wav");    

RecognizeOptions options = new RecognizeOptions().Builder()
  .keywords({"abuse", "bullying", "parents", "physical", "assaulting"})

  SpeechResults transcript = service.recognize(audio, options).execute();

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