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How to run Visual Studio C# Interactive scripts in windows?

How do you run the C# Interactive thing in Visual Studio as a stand-alone script host in windows?

It seems a bit of a waste to only have the amazing possibilities of C# Script inside VS, it should be made part of windows so we can run .c# scripts everywhere and all the time and not have to deal with the strangeness, obscurity and unintuitiveness of an undocumented PowerShell.

There's the scriptcs project, which does exactly that. Check out scriptcs.net .

On .NET Core you can install the 'scripts' tool and run stored C# scripts: https://github.com/filipw/dotnet-script

or run in REPL mode: https://github.com/filipw/dotnet-script#repl

您可以从“VS2015的开发人员命令提示符”或直接从其在磁盘上的位置(对于我C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\14.0\\Bin\\csi.exe )运行运行csi.exe。

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