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Detecting that a web-worker has been loaded without sending an explicit message

Is there a way to detect that a web-worker has been loaded. I looked at the spec but there is only an error event. There is no onload , onreade , onstatechange or anything of the sort.

I am looking for an alternative to thescript element onload event but for web-workers.

I want to do it without the worker explicitly sending a message after load because it is for a library, and I need it to be as general as possible and don't want to impose this restriction on the worker.

There is not by design. This was planned originally , but got taken out later on. I forgot the rationale, but I suspect it is related to certain implementations allowing the allocation of many workers, but only running a couple at the time.

(There are some plans to improve this, in particular if SharedArrayBuffer happens, which needs that kind of information, but there's no standard way now.)

A workaround might be to fetch the code in advance and then initiate the worker from a blob URL.

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