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Moving in a linear direction based on touch input in Unity 2D

I am having trouble in unity 2D. I am trying to make a ball move in a linear direction across the screen after detecting a single touch, however this is proving quite difficult. I have researched and researched but I cant seem to find the answer to both parts of the problem, hence I come here. I apologise if this was not the right thing to do. Anyways, on to the question. How would I detect a single touch and how would I move a game object on the X axis for a certain number of coords. I don't want a touch direction specified, it just needs to be a touch. Another thing could be a touch on the object itself. Sorry again if I wasn't meant to do this. PS my code is terrible and barely even there, so I wont share it.

To detect touch you use Input.GetTouch . The number in the parameter is the number of the touch, like the first, or the second or the third touch, etc... If you just want one touch, just use Input.GetTouch(0) all the time.

To move the object in the X axis you need to user Transfrom.Translate . The parameters are the amount you want to move in a specific axis.

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