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Alexa Skills Kit: How to add an image to a standard card using JS

I've been building off the examples in alexa-skills-kit-js/samples/

but they don't have any where you add an image to the response card.

response.askWithCard(speechOutput, repromptOutput, cardTitle, cardContent);

Where does the image go? The cardContent is usually a string. Do I just make it into an object containing an image...?

I followed a reply to a similar question on the Amazon developer support forums from Mark Stringer:

I have been struggling with this myself and now have it working. If you are using the sample AlexaSkill.js module that Amazon provide then you need to add a couple of sections to it to deal with picture cards.

In the buildSpeechletResponse section add this after the similar type "Simple" section:

  if (options.cardSmallImageURL && options.cardLargeImageURL) { alexaResponse.card = { type: "Standard", title: options.cardTitle, text: options.cardContent, image: { smallImageUrl: options.cardSmallImageURL, largeImageUrl: options.cardLargeImageURL } }; } 

Then after the askWithCard definition further down add this:

  askWithPictureCard: function(speechOutput, repromptSpeech, cardTitle, cardContent, smallImageURL, largeImageURL) { this._context.succeed(buildSpeechletResponse({ session: this._session, output: speechOutput, reprompt: repromptSpeech, cardTitle: cardTitle, cardContent: cardContent, cardSmallImageURL: smallImageURL, cardLargeImageURL: largeImageURL, shouldEndSession: false })); 

Now you can call it, probably using variables rather than constants I was testing with using;

response.askWithPictureCard('This is the speech output', 'This is the reprompt', 'this is the card title', 'This is the card text, note the field is called text not cardContent', ' https://s3.amazonaws.com/thisisthesmallpictureurl-small.jpg ', ' https://s3.amazonaws.com/thisisthebigpictureurl-big.jpg ' );

Then follow a similar process to add a tellWithPictureCard function.

There's one small typo in the code there where Stringer put crd when he meant card which I corrected in my paste above. Other than that this approach worked for me.

Unfortunately, it looks like 'Simple' is hardcoded, and 'Standard' cards are required for small and large image URLs. Here is the code from


    if (options.cardTitle && options.cardContent) {
        alexaResponse.card = {
            type: "Simple",
            title: options.cardTitle,
            content: options.cardContent

You would need to modify your local copy of AlexaSkill.js to add the functionality.

Here is API usage of Flask-Ask library (mine) showing how cards work:


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