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Akka Camel: No consumers available on endpoint

I am new to Akka and am attempting to use the Camel component.

I've simplified the code here, but basically I have a Consumer actor that consumes from a JMS endpoint.

In my integration tests, I do not wish to consume from JMS . Instead, I wish to send messages to an endpoint that my consumer reads from.

Therefore, I am attempting this "direct" approach but I get a No consumers available on endpoint: Endpoint[direct://myCamelEndpoint]. Exchange[Message: My test message] No consumers available on endpoint: Endpoint[direct://myCamelEndpoint]. Exchange[Message: My test message] exception.

What configuration am I missing here?

object TestApp extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  val camel = CamelExtension(system)
  val producer = system.actorOf(Props[MyProducer])
  val consumer = system.actorOf(Props[MyConsumer])

  producer ! "My test message"


class MyProducer extends Producer {
  override def endpointUri: String = "direct:myCamelEndpoint"

class MyConsumer extends Consumer with ActorLogging{
  override def endpointUri: String = "direct:myCamelEndpoint"

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case event: Any => log.info("Received event {}", event)


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