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video upload in yii2

I am trying to upload video.I have write following code.

In Model

[['videoFile'], 'file','extensions' => 'mp4','maxFiles' => 1],

In View ,

<?= $form->field($model, 'videoFile')->fileInput()->label(false) ?>

In controller ,

$model->videoFile = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'videoFile');

But continuously facing following problem

Array ( [0] => yii\\web\\UploadedFile Object ( [name] => SampleVideo_1280x720_2mb.mp4 [tempName] => [type] => [size] => 0 [error] => 1 ) )

Here tempName is empty and [error] => 1.

Any idea what I am doing wrong. How can we show uploadFile error here.


temppath(server tempary store path) not found that why you get error

like xampp server path store (C:\\xampp\\tmp) this location store tempary file

Try to uplaod by this way :

if(isset($_FILES['videoFile']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['videoFile']['tmp_name'] != null)
  $file = $_FILES;
  $model->videoFile = "YourPath/".$file['videoFile']['name'];

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