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Django list_editable() can not display primary key value

I am new to Django. I try to display different fields in Django admin page and find to options to display details in the page. I am sure that list_display_links works,but I get error when I try list_editable . Can someone points out the reason of error?

class SaleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_editable = ["pk","product_id","old_price","new_price","discount_start","discount_end","store_id","created"]
    list_display = ["pk","product_id","old_price","new_price","discount_start","discount_end","store_id","created"]
    list_display_links = ["pk","product_id","old_price","new_price","discount_start","discount_end","store_id","created"]

    class Meta:
        model = Sale
    def store_id(self, instance):
        return instance.store_id.id

    def product_id(self, instance):
        return instance.product_id.name


django.core.management.base.SystemCheckError: SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:

<class 'dataInfo.admin.SaleAdmin'>: (admin.E121) The value of 'list_editable[0]' refers to 'pk', which is not an attribute of 'dataInfo.Sale'.

The error message complains about this part

list_editable = ["pk", "product_id","old_price", ...

Change it to "id".

list_editable = ["id", "product_id","old_price", ...

Better yet, remove pk / id from that list, because you most likely do not want to edit the primary key.

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