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Android Push Notification : CloudPush

I am having a tough time in finding out the solution of this error:

GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included

I am using CloudPush module, and the weird thing is that till yesterday everything was working perfectly and I was receiving push messages properly. I tried receiving more than 100 push messages.....but suddenly it stopped working and even I am not getting any device token.

var CloudPush = require('ti.cloudpush');

        if (CloudPush.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable()) {
                success : tokenSuccess,
                error : tokenError

            // Process incoming push notifications
            CloudPush.addEventListener('callback', pushRecieve);
        } else {
            alert("Please enable Google Play Services to register for notifications.");

This is the code I have been using, but God knows why it stopped working suddenly. The only thing I can remember I changed in between is updating the Titanium SDK to 5.3.0.GA, Studio to 4.6.0 and so does everything to its latest version including the CLI also.

But I have been still using 5.2.2, can anyone help me on this or is this going to be rare kind of bug...????

Finally, I found the solution (but do not know what the actual reason was).

I implemented this code:

var CloudPush = require('ti.cloudpush');

Ti.API.info('\n*Play Service = ' + CloudPush.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable());
Ti.API.info('*SUCCESS = ' + CloudPush.SUCCESS);

if (CloudPush.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() == 0) {
        success : function (e) {
           Ti.API.info('** deviceToken == ' + e.deviceToken);
        error : tokenError

    CloudPush.addEventListener('callback', pushRecieve);

} else {
        success : function (e) {
           Ti.API.info('** deviceToken == ' + e.deviceToken);
        error : tokenError

So, the solution was to call this method CloudPush.clearStatus() and getting token again.

But still the error is there on console inspite that I am receiving the token successfully.

This is the console output:

[INFO] :  GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.

[INFO] :  *Play Service = 0
[INFO] :  *SUCCESS = 0

[INFO] :  GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.
[INFO] :   ** deviceToken == AP.......qK

In my previous code, I did a mistake that I thought CloudPush.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() will return true for success, but it actually returns a number (printed above), then I got the idea of making it correct.

But it did not work either until I called CloudPush.clearStatus().

Hope it will help someone :)

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