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Gurobi Interactive Shell execute automatic commands through a file

I want to execute automatic commands through a file in the Gurobi interactive Shell.

I tried the following:

solve.bat (should do all the work - start gurobi and execute the commands in .cmd )

cd D:\gurobi651\
run.bat -f PowerLPData.cmd

run.bat (starts Gurobi interactive shell)

cmd.exe /c gurobi.bat

PowerLPData.cmd (provides the commands to execute)

m = read("PowerLPData.mps")
m.ModelSense = -1

My intention is to execute the commands in PowerLPData.cmd in the interactive shell of gurobi, but this does not work. The interactive shell starts when I run solve.bat and nothing happens after.

I have done the same princip for CPLEX and it works. CPLEX has an executable CPLEX.exe instead of run.bat and a customized .cmd file.

I think that the Gurobi interactive shell is a python shell, which does not work with .cmd files , but I couldn't find an answer.

gurobi.bat is a Python interpreter that includes the gurobipy library. To run your Python script using gurobi.bat, rename it to PowerLPData.py, then run gurobi.bat PowerLPData.py from a Windows shell.

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