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Can't set headers after they are sent without additional res statements

Using sailsjs v0.12.1

index: function(req, res) {
    Customer.find().populate('projects').exec(function(err, customers) {
        customers.forEach(function(customer, index) {
            customer.projects.forEach(function(project, index) {
                // Find project contributors and attach to project
                    project: project.id
                }).populate('user').exec(function(err, contributor) {
                    project.contributor = contributor;

                    return res.json(customers);

This triggers Error: Can't set headers after they are sent. . The interesting thing here is that this error isn't triggered always - everything worked fine ~30 minutes ago.

There's no other return res.x statement anywhere else in this controller.

You need to install the async library first.

npm install async --save

Then you can use the following code

var async = require('async');
// ...
// ...
Customer.find().populate('projects').exec(function(err, customers) {
    var tArray = [];
    async.each(customers, function(customer, cb) {
        var aCustomer = customer; // might want to deep copy it?
        aCustomer.projects = [];
        async.each(customer.projects, function(project, projectCB) {
                project: project.id
            }).populate('user').exec(function(err, contributor) {
                project.contributor = contributor;
        }, function projectsDone(err) {
    }, function done(err) {
        return res.json(tArray);

I haven't tested the code, but it should work just fine.

用异步库的每个函数(async.each)替换forEach语句。所有迭代结束后,将调用一个回调,然后在该回调中放置res.send() 更多信息

I think you just had to write your:

return res.json(customers);

statement at the end of the forEach loop.

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