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AutoMapper - complex mapping involving function call

I'm just getting to grips with AutoMapper and love how it works. However I believe it can map some complex scenarios that I'm currently wiring up manually. Does anyone have any suggestions / tips to remove my manual processes from the below simplified example and accelerate my learning curve?

I have a source object like so:

public class Source
    public Dictionary<string, object> Attributes;
    public ComplexObject ObjectWeWantAsJson;

and a destination object like so:

public class Destination
    public string Property1; // Matches with Source.Attributes key
    public string Property2; // Matches with Source.Attributes key
    // etc.
    public string Json;

My configuration for AutoMapper is minimal:

var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {});
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();

And my conversion code is like so:

var destinationList = new List<Destination>();
foreach (var source in sourceList)
    var dest = mapper.Map<Dictionary<string, object>, Destination(source.Attributes);
    // I'm pretty sure I should be able to combine this with the mapping
    // done in line above
    dest.Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(source.ObjectWeWantAsJson);

    // I also get the impression I should be able to map a whole collection
    // rather than iterating through each item myself

Any pointers or suggestions are most appreciated. Thanks in advance!

you might be interested in writing the conversion code using a TypeConverter .

internal class CustomConverter : TypeConverter<List<Source>, List<Destination>>
    protected override List<Destination> ConvertCore(List<Source> source)
        if (source == null) return null;
        if (!source.Any()) return null;
        var output = new List<Destination>();
        output.AddRange(source.Select(a => new Destination
            Property1 = (string)a.Attributes["Property1"],
            Property2 = (string)a.Attributes["Property2"],
            Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a.ObjectWeWantAsJson)

        return output;

var source = new List<Source>
            new Source{
                Attributes = new Dictionary<string,object>{
                ObjectWeWantAsJson = new ComplexObject{Name = "Test", Age = 27}

Mapper.CreateMap<List<Source>, List<Destination>>().
            ConvertUsing(new CustomConverter());

var dest = Mapper.Map<List<Destination>>(source);

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