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Drupal 8 get taxonomy value in twig

I'm working on Drupal 8,
I have a content type, called Home page, with fields of content and one field of type Entity Reference who is linked to a taxonomy item.
In page.html.twig I want to get the value of this taxonomy item.

I tried a lot of think but nothing works.

a read than I need to do this code:


but it give me a white page. I tried with kint, I'have a lot of property but I dont found how to get the value of my field.

What's the solution?

If you are still struggling with twig, just prepare what you need in your_theme.theme . You can get your node in

function HOOK_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  if (!array_key_exists('node', $variables))
  $node = $variables['node'];
  // ...


Here you can prepare your data and provide it for twig like this:

$variables['foo'] = 'bar';

In Twig you can do this:

{{ foo }}

The only way i founded was to preprocess the node of the page to get the content of the taxonomy field.

Here a example of my code

$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
    $field = 'title';
    $index = 0;
        $nodeArray = $node->toArray();
        if (isset($nodeArray[$field][$index]['value'])) {
            $value = $nodeArray[$field][$index]['value'];
            $id_slider_type = $nodeArray['field_home_page_slider_type'][0]['target_id'];

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