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Ant excludesfile compiling java files

I have a fairly simple ant script that is running my dependencies I'm importing into the class I need to compile using Ant. The excludes doesn't seem to be right.

 <property name="dir.src" location="src"/>
 <property name="dir.org" location="src\org"/> 
 <target name="compile" description="compile the source">
    <mkdir dir="build"/> 

    <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} -->
    <javac listfiles="true" includeantruntime="false" srcdir="${dir.src}" classpath="${dir.src}" destdir="${build} debug="on" >
        <include name="src/TaskJob.java" />
        <exclude name="${dir.org}" /> 

The compile runs 1900 java files with


I'm also trying

<dirset id="dirset" dir="${dir.src}">
     <include name="src/**.java"/>
     <exclude name="src/org/**"/>

and then using a filename:

<javac exclude="dirset" srcdir="${dir.src} destdir="classes" debug="on" >
     <filename name="${dir.src}\TaskJob.java"/>

Feedback appreciated.

Your script has the following...

<property name="dir.src" location="src"/>
<property name="dir.org" location="src\org"/>

...and the following...

<javac ... srcdir="${dir.src}" ...>
    <include name="src/TaskJob.java" />
    <exclude name="${dir.org}" />

Replacing the properties with their actual values would give the following...

<javac ... srcdir="src" ...>
    <include name="src/TaskJob.java" />
    <exclude name="src\org" />

src appears in both srcdir and <include> . The <include> would match the following TaskJob.java if it existed in your scenario...


Notice how there is a src subdirectory under another src directory.

So, what you want is the following...

<javac ... srcdir="src" ...>
    <include name="TaskJob.java" />

There is no need for an <exclude> element. Just the <include> is necessary.

If you want to exclude all java files under org directory.

<javac listfiles="true" includeantruntime="false" srcdir="${dir.src}" classpath="${dir.src}" destdir="${build} debug="on" >
    <exclude name="org/**" /> 
    <include name="src/TaskJob.java" />

For more detail and example, you can read the document of FileSet .

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