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Google Analytics structure for a Mobile App

We have built a B2b Catalog sharing & trading appon native Android & PhoneGap. Does it make sense to look at Firebase Analytics, or Google Analytics good enough?

With Google Analytics, clarity between which should be recorded as 'Views' & which as 'Activity' is unclear. Eg Catalog view can be View of Catalog screen, or an activity as (Category = catalog, action = open, label = catalog-name, value = catalog-id). Obviously, more information is recorded in an Activity

Proposed architecture for Google Analytics is below:

1. Screens/Views: Home, Login Contact Buyer/Approved, Buyer/Pending, Buyer/Detail Supplier/Approved, Supplier/Pending, Supplier/Detail CatalogPage, Catalogs/My/List, Catalogs/Received/List, Catalogs/Detail, Products/Detail Shared/List, Shared/Detail Selection/List, Selection/Open, Selection/Create SalesOrder/List, SalesOrder/Open, SalesOrder/Edit PurchaseOrder/List, PurchaseOrder/Open, PurchaseOrder/Edit Notification/List, Notification/Detail [some more..]

2. Events:


The challenge is this - there's obviously duplication in recording what is happening on the app as a View or Event, and I'm unclear on the best reconciliation for this. I've tried to keep Pages / Screens as Views, and the Buttons / Links on them as Actions.

Does this look ok? Any inputs / thoughts?

Another option is to use both Google Analytics and Firebase in your app. This can help you compare and contrast the implementations and data gathered from your app.

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