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Push data to parent controller from child [angularjs]

I was trying to push cities object to array in a parent controller. The reply is "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined". Anyway to solve this?

The ChildCtrl is nested inside the ParentCtrl.

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" ng-app="citieApp"> <body> <div class="container"> <div ng-controller="ParentCtrl"> {{cites to be listed here ON UPDATE from the child controller}} <div ng-controller="ChildCtrl"> <form> <!--This inputs are to insert cities--> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <button>Submit Cities</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> 

 function ParentCtrl($scope) { $scope.cities = [{ america: [{ 'alberta', 'NY', 'chicago', 'LA' }, { 'atlanta', 'New town', 'boston', 'boulder' }, { 'dallas', 'austin', 'denver', 'colombus' }] }, { europe: [{ 'london', 'paris', 'Helsinki' }, { 'berlin', 'rome', 'tallin' }, { 'lisbon', 'amsterdam', 'brussels' }] }]; }; function ChildCtrl($scope) { $scope.cities.europe.push({ 'barcelona', 'madrid', 'manchester' }); } 

I was trying to push cities object to array in a parent controller. The reply is "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined". Anyway to solve this?

Try to access it via $parent.

function ChildCtrl($scope) {
    'barcelona', 'madrid', 'manchester'

In your code:

  function ParentCtrl($scope) {
     $scope.cities = [{
         america: [{
            'alberta', 'NY', 'chicago', 'LA'
         }, {
            'atlanta', 'New town', 'boston', 'boulder'
          }, {
            'dallas', 'austin', 'denver', 'colombus'
       }, {
          europe: [{
             'london', 'paris', 'Helsinki'
           }, {
         'berlin', 'rome', 'tallin'
         }, {
            'lisbon', 'amsterdam', 'brussels'


 $scope.cities[0] = {
         america: [{
            'alberta', 'NY', 'chicago', 'LA'
         }, {
            'atlanta', 'New town', 'boston', 'boulder'
          }, {
            'dallas', 'austin', 'denver', 'colombus'

  $scope.cities[1] = {
          europe: [{
             'london', 'paris', 'Helsinki'
           }, {
         'berlin', 'rome', 'tallin'
         }, {
            'lisbon', 'amsterdam', 'brussels'

But in your clild Controller you use ::

   function ChildCtrl($scope) {
         'barcelona', 'madrid', 'manchester'

you push data into europe object, but europe object is not available in $scope.cities . you can change your $scope.cities as like as given below:

  $scope.cities = {
         america: [{
            'alberta', 'NY', 'chicago', 'LA'
         }, {
            'atlanta', 'New town', 'boston', 'boulder'
          }, {
            'dallas', 'austin', 'denver', 'colombus'
          }], {
          europe: [{
             'london', 'paris', 'Helsinki'
           }, {
              'berlin', 'rome', 'tallin'
           }, {
            'lisbon', 'amsterdam', 'brussels'

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