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python ldap3 search LDAPOperationsErrorResult

I would like to get all PCs in the local network from ldap, so I tried (variations of) this:

import ldap3
from ldap3 import ALL_ATTRIBUTES, SUBTREE, ALL
import dns.resolver
import socket

def get_ldap_server():
    domain_name = socket.getfqdn().lstrip( socket.gethostname() )    
    answers = dns.resolver.query( '_ldap._tcp'+domain_name, rdtype='srv' )
    #for srv in answers:
    return answers[0].target.to_text()[:-1]

srv_name = get_ldap_server()
print srv_name
server = ldap3.Server( srv_name, get_info=ALL )
with ldap3.Connection( server ) as c:
    print "Bound", c.bound
    c.search( search_base='dc='+', dc='.join(srv_name.split('.')[1:]),


But all I get is: LDAPOperationsErrorResult: LDAPOperationsErrorResult - 1 - operationsError - None - 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C090748, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, v2580 - searchResDone - None

Despite "Bound" being "True".

I'm using python 2.7. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You didn't provide any username or password in the connection object, so an anonymous bind is performed.

Try adding username=xxx and password=yyy to the Connection definition in the "with" statement.

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