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How to write items in the same array on the row and for the next array skip a line and write the items on the next row in Python

`I currently have a list of names in one CSV that are separated ["last name", "first name"]. If there is no name, the array just has ["1"]. Each name on the current CSV is in its own separate array. I'm trying write the names in a CSV so that one column is all last names (and "1's") and the other column is all first names.

My Current CSV looks like

Wayne, Bruce
Parker, Peter 
Kent, Clark 

I want my CSV to Output

Last Name:    First Name:
Wayne         Bruce
Parker        Peter
Kent          Clark            

With my current code, anything following a ["1"] is going on a newline, but anything following an array ["last name", "first name"] isn't. Is there any way to fix this in my current code?

import re
import csv

trite = open('Lastfirststrip.csv', "r")
spamreader = csv.reader(trite)
twrite = open('LastFirst.csv', 'w')
spamwriter = csv.writer(twrite, delimiter=" ", lineterminator="\n",  skipinitialspace=True)
altwriter = csv.writer(twrite, delimiter=' ', lineterminator=',', skipinitialspace=True )

for column in spamreader:
    c = ","
    d = ",".join(column)
    e = re.findall('[A-Za-z]+',d)

    if len (e) == 1:
        for item in e:
        for item in e:

This question has the feel of "I have a hammer, so everything looks like a nail."

You're trying to use the csv module to do something that isn't exactly csv.

with open("/tmp/input") as fdin, open("/tmp/o", "w") as fdout:                  
    for line in fdin:                                                           
        line = line.strip()                                                     
        if line == "1":                                                         
            print >> fdout, line                                                
        if line == "Names:":                                                    
            print >> fdout, "Last Name:\tFirst Name:"                           
        first, last = line.split(",")                                           
        print >> fdout, first.strip() + "\t" + last.strip()     

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