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Github Page not working with hexo?

I am recently developing my personal blog using Hexo framework but I have problem pushing my web content to Github Page Service to host my web application. I buy a domain name for my website. I am following the Hexo deployment instruction here but it is not working. Here is the code of deployment part of my configure_yml file. Thanks for your help!

# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html
  type: git
  repo: https://github.com/ZhackerZ/ZhackerZ.github.io.git
  branch: master

If you've already pointed your DNS to your github page ( documentation ), you have to wait for DNS replication.

Your DNS changes can take over a full day to update and the wait varies among DNS and hosting providers.

For now your domain is still pointing to goddady.

$: dig www.zhackerz.com
www.zhackerz.com.   3371    IN  CNAME   zhackerz.com.
zhackerz.com.       371 IN  A

$: dig zhackerz.com
zhackerz.com.       349 IN  A

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