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Github change github page to github project page

I already have a github page (username.github.io) that will jump to my godaddy domain.

But I also need to create another github page in the format username.github.io for a homework assignment.

Is there anyway I can host my original github page under some sort of github project page (username.github.io/projectname) so that I can clear my github page (username.github.io) for use for my hw assignment, WHILE PRESERVING all the commits I previously made?

DNS changes takes too long to propagate so I'm afraid to mess up.

将您的username.github.io存储库重命名为您想要项目页面的任何username.github.io ,确保正确设置了自定义域解析,然后使用username.github.io名称创建一个新存储库。

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