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Adding list of options to HTML5 select tag using JavaScript

I've the below HTML code, and need to update the "option" element dynamically, by a big list of elements coming back from the server

<select id='select'>
     <option value = '0' selected></option>

So, I wrote the below JS code:

var select = e.querySelector('#select');

for(var k=0; k<5;k++){
    var opt = document.createElement('option');

I do not need to use JQuery or any other plugin.

Is there a more neat and/or simpler way to do the same?

You can use the Option constructor:

var select = e.querySelector('#select');
for(var k=0; k<5;k++){
    select.options.add(new Option(data[k].text, data[k].value));

Live example:

 var data = [ {text: "Option 1", value: "1"}, {text: "Option 2", value: "2"}, {text: "Option 3", value: "3"}, {text: "Option 4", value: "4"}, {text: "Option 5", value: "5"} ]; var select = document.querySelector('#select'); for(var k=0; k<5;k++){ select.options.add(new Option(data[k].text, data[k].value)); } 
 <select id="select" size="10"></select> 

Assuming data is an array, you can also use Array#forEach :

var select = e.querySelector('#select');
data.forEach(function(entry) {
    select.options.add(new Option(entry.text, entry.value));

Live example:

 var data = [ {text: "Option 1", value: "1"}, {text: "Option 2", value: "2"}, {text: "Option 3", value: "3"}, {text: "Option 4", value: "4"}, {text: "Option 5", value: "5"} ]; var select = document.querySelector('#select'); data.forEach(function(entry) { select.options.add(new Option(entry.text, entry.value)); }); 
 <select id="select" size="10"></select> 

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