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Finding config file (vimrc?) for VimR OSX

For the VimR OSX app, I want to change the default vim settings (like default colorscheme, or always having :set number), and read online that there's a vimrc file that should be changed, but for some reason I just can't find it on my computer.

Do you guys know where the vimrc (or whatever the vim config file is called) for VimR is?


VimR, (now?) tracking NeoVim, not Vim, isn't using ~/.vimrc by default any more :

User: I reinstalled VimR recently, and settings from my .vimrc are no longer loaded. Should I create some new dotfile and source .vimrc in it?

Author: NeoVim changed that: https://neovim.io/doc/user/nvim.html#nvim-from-vim

and to quote from the linked NeoVim docs:

 Transitioning from Vim *nvim-from-vim* To start the transition, create ~/.config/nvim/init.vim with these contents: set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after let &packpath = &runtimepath source ~/.vimrc Note: If your system sets `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`, use that instead of `~/.config` in the code above. Nvim follows the XDG |base-directories| convention. 

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