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Calculate Discount from Price Levels in Netsuite Suitecommerce Advanced

I'm trying to create a function in my ItemsKeyMapping.js that will calculate the percentage a customer will be saving on a product. I'm new to javascript and have been using tutorials. This is what I have:

// @property _DiscountPercent calculates the percentage between customers price and MSRP
    ,   _DiscountPercent: function (item)
            var attributes = item.get('onlinecustomerprice') || ('pricelevel15');

            if ((pricelevel15 != 0) && (onlinecustomerprice != 0)) 

                DiscountPercent = (1 - pricelevel15 / onlinecustomerprice) * 100;
             DiscountPercent = null;
            return 'DiscountPercent';

Anyone out there familar with SCA Mont Blanc that could help me finish this? Thanks.

Try this:

,   _DiscountPercent: function (item)
        var normalPrice= item.get('onlinecustomerprice') 
        var discountedPrice= item.get('pricelevel15');
        var DiscountPercent = null;

        if ((discountedPrice > 0) && (normalPrice > 0)) 

            DiscountPercent = (1 - discountedPrice / normalPrice) * 100;

        return DiscountPercent;

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