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Eclipse Maven Plugin fails to create groovy-maven-archetype project

I have installed the Maven for Eclipse plugin from Sonatype.

(update site: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update/ )

I am creating a Maven project, and choosing to use the groovy-maven-archetype as my starting point.

However, halfway through, I am seeing:

04/03/09 12:52:28 GMT: [FATAL ERROR] 
caused a linkage error (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError). Check the realms:

... snip ...

Realm ID: plexus.core


How can I fix this?

At a command prompt, enter this: mvn archetype:generate Then, choose 40 (gmaven-archetype-basic) Then, follow the prompts. Once you have a maven project, you can enable Eclipse support by saying: mvn eclipse:eclipse

You can read Building Groovy Projects for more information.

Seems like a versioning problem to me. Are you sure you used all the right versions of the jars?

Getting Groovy-Eclipse, gmaven, and Eclipse all working together seems to be pretty tricky at the present. Once you've got a project created with mvn archetype:generate , as AWhitford mentions, this site will show you a few of the tweaks you'll need to make it work.

GMaven's stub creation for Java files interferes with Groovy-Eclipse, hence the section on that page about commenting out stub creation. However, I went with the method mentioned in the comments for the relevant bug ( GMAVEN-61 ) and created multiple executions for the gmaven plugin, like so:

        <!-- http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GMAVEN-61 -->

I'm still not certain myself that this is clean for both pure Maven usage as well as within Eclipse, but it at least got me to the point where I stopped spending hours trying to get anything to work and got me coding on my actual project.

The Groovy-Eclipse and GMaven documentation are good reading for background info.

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