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What is the meaning of “../” in javascript for windows path?

I have written some HTML and js code. My folder Structure is :

A => B => C .

Folder C contains 'index.html' file and I want to access 'emotion.js'.

A => js => emotion.js is the actual place for emotion.js.

"<script src=\"../js/emotion.js\">"

I have given the link this way. It is not working actually.

I just want to know what "../" means? It is refers to one step before in the folder structure or the root folder?

../ refers to the parent folder.

If your folder structure is


Then inside index.html you will need to change the script tag to

    <script src="../../js/emotion.js">

../ this will take you up one dir so use this 2 times eg ../../A/js/emotion.js

or you can use / without .. so this will take you to root no matter where you are .

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