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Laravel: JSON and pivot table

Sorry about the non-explanatory title but I could not come up with a descriptive one.

I've got the following 3 tables: - games - platforms - games_platforms

And I've got 2 Models in Laravel for both Platform and Game.

public function games() 
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Game', 'games_platforms')->withPivot('release_date');

public function platforms() 
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Platform', 'games_platforms')->withPivot('release_date');

Now this works like a charm, I get a JSON string with all the information in the 3 tables, like this.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Borderlands",
    "short_description": "",
    "created_at": null,
    "updated_at": null,
    "platforms": [{
        "id": 4,
        "name": "PC",
        "pivot": {
            "game_id": 1,
            "platform_id": 4,
            "release_date": "2016-03-03"

Now my problem is as follows. I don't want to show the whole 'pivot' information, just the 'release_date', like this:

"platforms": [{
        "id": 4,
        "name": "PC",
        "release_date": "2016-03-03"

Is there an easy way in Laravel to do such a thing? As far as I can see right now, looking at other posts, is to either write a function that turns the json into an array and I can arrange it then. Or I can write my own query instead of letting Laravel do all that.

Hope you guys can help me with this issue. Thanks!

I would modify the data returned from the query via methods on the collection class:

//replace Game::all() with your actual query
return Game::all()->each(function($game){
        $platform->release_date = $platform->pivot->release_date;
        return $platform;

I know this is already answered but I believe the proper answer would be to add whatever you want to hide to your hidden attribute on the model.

class Games extends Eloquent
    protected $hidden = ['pivot.game_id', 'pivot.platform_id'];

I am not sure what your keys are becuase they are different in your two examples. Please see: https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues/745

A better way is to use Laravel resources,

First create Resource ( php artisan make:resource )

Rresource GameResource extends Resource
 public function toArray($request)
  return [
    'release_date' => $this->pivot->release_date,
    'name' => $this->name,
     /// All other fields or you can merge both here 

Now use this resource;

$data = GameResource::collection(Game::all());

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