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Test websocket in spring boot application

I don't understand how properly write a test case for websocket in springboot application. I have a class that implement WebSocketHandler and I add this handler in WebSocketConfigurer :

public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {

public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
    registry.addHandler(logWebSocketHandler() , "/test")
            .addInterceptors(new HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor())

public LogWebSocketHandler logWebSocketHandler(){
    return new LogWebSocketHandler();

But when I write this below test case I get an exception:

public class LogsControllerTest  {

private WebSocketContainer container;

public void setup() {
    container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();


public void testGetLog() throws Exception {
    Session session = container.connectToServer(new TestEndpoint(),

exception: javax.websocket.DeploymentException : The HTTP request to initiate the WebSocket connection failed

I read that if I set ws:// (slash on end) it will work , but it doesn't work.

What I did wrong?

I found solution:

add annotation @WebIntegrationTest(value = 8080) or you can specify randomPort = true

after that add:

public class TestWebSocketClient {
    Session session;

    public void onOpen(final Session session){
        this.session = session;

and at the body of the test:

private LogWebSocketHandler socketHandler;

private WebSocketContainer container;
private TestWebSocketClient client;

public void setup() {
    container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();
    client = new TestWebSocketClient();

public void createSessionAfterOpenLogWebSocketHandler() throws Exception {
    container.connectToServer(client , URI.create("ws://localhost:8080/path"));
    while( !socketHandler.isOpen()){
        // sometime it is doesn't work, but I dont know solution of this problem
        // wait until socket is open
    Assert.assertTrue( socketHandler.isOpen() );

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