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elasticsearch bool query error in php client

ElasticSearch returns me [_na] query malformed, no field after start_object error when trying to look up entries using the following query. The field localtime is a new field of documents and exist in every document.

php code,

$qryurl = '<myurl>:<myport>/index/_search?pretty';
$data = array(
"query" => array(
  "bool" => array(
    "must" => array(
      "range" => array(
        "localtime" => array(
          "from" => "2016-06-15T17:43:04.923Z",
          "to" => "2016-06-17T17:43:04.923Z",
          "include_lower" => "true",
          "include_upper" => "true"
      "term" => array(
        "query" => "",
        "fields" => array("ip")
      "query_string" => array(
        "query" => "*up*",
        "default_field" => array("_all")

Why does this error appear?

anyhelp will be appreciated ! thanks!

Your bool/must clause must be a pure array not an associative array:

$qryurl = '<myurl>:<myport>/index/_search?pretty';
            $data = array(
                "query" => array (
                    "bool" => array (
                      "must" => array(
                             "range" => array ( 
                                  "localtime"  => array (
                                      "from" =>"2016-06-15T17:43:04.923Z",
                                       "to" => "2016-06-17T17:43:04.923Z",
                                       "include_lower" => "true",
                                       "include_upper" => "true"
                              "term" => array(
                                  "ip" => ""
                              "query_string" => array(
                                  "query" => "*up*",
                                  "default_field" => "_all"


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