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php instagram api not getting all the followers

I have created a php script which will take a userid of instagram user and will scrap ALL the followers of that user. Below is the script. The problem is when I am trying to get the total followers list of a user which have say 1 or 2 millions followers than my script is crashing after 60k usernames with error PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in filename.php on line LINE NO


    require '../src/Instagram.php';

    /////// CONFIG ///////
    $username = 'USERNAME';
    $password = 'PASSWORD';
    $debug = false;

    $i = new Instagram($username, $password, $debug);
    $myfile = fopen("file.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file");

    try {
        $var = $i->getUserFollowers("432464344");
        do {
            $results = $var['users'];
            foreach($results as $result) {
                $username = $result['username'];
                $username = $username . "\n";
                fwrite($myfile, $username);
        if (in_array('next_max_id', $var)) {  // <-- HERE ERROR
            $next_max_id = $var['next_max_id'];
        } else {
        $var = $i->getUserFollowers("432464344", $next_max_id);
    } while (1);
} catch (InstagramException $e) {
echo $count;

Thanks and regards,

The problem has to be with getUserFollowers function ( expects parameter 2 to be array, null given ). Just check the possibility where that function could return null and resolve that.

Possibilities could be, either Instagram is blocking your request and returns error or over usage of system memory in your system.

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