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Sum values from different ng-repeat Angular js

I want to sum three values from different ng-repeat in my view, this is what I have.

<tr ng-repeat="a in data1">
<tr ng-repeat="b in data2">
<tr ng-repeat="c in data3">
  <td>(Here I want to print the sum of the three values)</td>

I have this in my controller.

    $scope.data1 = [
          "num1": 1,
    $scope.data2 = [
           "num2": 2,

    $scope.data3 = [
           "num3": 3,

The binding is ok, I print the values coming from each ng-repeat but I need to sum does values and print the result in the last

Some help with this will be great!

In your controller do this :

$scope.sum = $scope.data1[0].num1 + $scope.data2[0].num2 + $scope.data3[0].num3;

And assign the sum in td as below:


Try this:

//in your controller side added this method

$scope.getTotal = function(){
    var total = 0;
    angular.forEach($scope.data1, function(data1) { 
        total += data1.num1;
    angular.forEach($scope.data2, function(data2) { 
        total += data2.num2;
    angular.forEach($scope.data3, function(data3) { 
        total += data3.num3;
    return total;

<td>{{ getTotal() }}</td>//Here is the total value

you also can use ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end to access value outside ng-repeat

like this

<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<h1>Hello Plunker!</h1>

  <tr ng-repeat-start="a in data1">
  <tr ng-repeat-start="b in data2">
  <tr ng-repeat-end>
    <td>{{a.num1 + b.num2}} </td>
  <tr ng-repeat-end></tr>

for more information ng-repeat-start

This question may have been already answered but this may help. its more of a design pattern than an answer. it does involve rewriting some of your code.

By organizing data around one object you have more flexibility when it comes to dynamically creating / mutating data.

 angular.module('app',[]) .controller('bazContoller',function($scope){ let things = { //controller name or namespace enums:{ //enumerable's used by the controller data1:[ { "num": 1 } ], data2:[ { "num": 2 } ], data3:[ { "num": 67 } ] }, sum(){ return Object.keys(this.enums).map(item => this.enums[item]) .reduce((start ,item)=>start += item[0].num,0); } } Object.assign(this ,things) ; //controller as //$scope['bazContoller'] = things; //$scope }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app='app'> <div ng-controller='bazContoller as baz'> <table> <tr ng-repeat="a in baz.enums.data1"> <td>{{a.num}}</td> </tr> <tr ng-repeat="b in baz.enums.data2"> <td>{{b.num}}</td> </tr> <tr ng-repeat="c in baz.enums.data3"> <td>{{c.num}}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SUM: {{baz.sum()}}</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> 

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