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Twilio post sms using HttpClient

I'm trying to post data to the Twilio Rest API to trigger a sms sendout.

I've tryed to do what is instructed to do with cURL but with HTTP Post insted.


Then in the body I post data looking like this:

public class TwilioMessage
    public string To { get; set; }
    public string From { get; set; }
    public string Body { get; set; }

I'm getting StatusCode: 401, ReasonPhrase: 'UNAUTHORIZED' all the time. What am I missing here?

Twilio evangelist here.

Instead of including your credentials in the URL you should set them using the DefaultRequestHeaders property:

var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("username:password1234");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray));

Hope that helps.

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