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How to sort NSOrderedSet by date in Swift

I'm trying to sort a NSOrderedSet of an entity called Log which has 3 attributes (logDate, logDescription, logThumbnail) by date using NSSortDescriptor but it doesn't work.

if let logs = projectSelected?.logs {
        let sd = NSSortDescriptor(key: "logDate", ascending: false)

I have also tried to use projectLogs?.sortInPlace{$0.logDate!.compare($1.logDate!) == .OrderedAscending} to no success. What is the best solution for what I'm trying to do? Thank you in advance for your help.

To sort an NSOrderedSet in place it must be mutable ( NSMutableOrderedSet )

let mutableLogs = logs.mutableCopy()
let sd = NSSortDescriptor(key: "logDate", ascending: false)

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